General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Line Body/Beams Lose Vertices on Transferring Solution Data

    • drdmsthesis


      When exporting a solution within interconnected analysis systems, vertices on line bodies/beams are not being exported. How can this error be addressed?

      For example, a nonlinear buckling analysis C is missing the vertices.

      Also, bolt pre tension/pretension elements do not work on these beam elements in analysis "C"


      Thank you

    • deepak.deepak
      Ansys Employee


      I tried on my end and was able to transfer the data without any loss. Can you please check the options under model properties?



    • drdmsthesis


      Thanks Deepak,

      The “create geometry” boxes were unticked in my case. The fix worked. 

      Also, how can beam elements remain “rigid” after transferring solution data so I can apply bolt pretension to a straight line/edge? 


      • deepak.deepak
        Ansys Employee


        Can you please explain the case in more detail? any images. 


    • drdmsthesis



      In analysis A-B im performing a linear buckling analysis. 

      I export the deformed body based on the mode shape from analysis B for nonlinear buckling with deformations into Analysis C. The bolts modelled as beams cannot be selected for bolt pretension. Is there a workaround?

      Thank you!  



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