We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Products

Ansys Products

Discuss installation & licensing of our Ansys Teaching and Research products.

Licensing Issue

    • Yong Zheng

      Dear Support Team,

      I have previously downloaded the license for a product but have lost the license file. Now if I want to redownload the license file from the license manger, it is not allowing me to do so. May I know how to resolve this issue?

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee

      If you are the licensing admin/ASC for your entitlements, you can generate and download a copy of your license file from the Ansys Licensing Portal.

      1. Log into the Ansys licensing portal
      2. Navigate to the Activate Entitlements section
      3. Select your Server – where the license is activated
      4. Generate – save the license file 



      • Yong Zheng

        I am a student and I am using one of the products on a free trial. I have found the .lic file but now when trying to upload it on the License Manager, there is the error “No valid Increment lines were found in the license file”. May I know how to resolve this?

        Additionally, is it possible to extend the free trial period because I will be using the software until the end of this month.







    • Yong Zheng




    • Yong Zheng


    • Lito
      Ansys Employee

      @Yong Zheng, 

      The Lumerical trial license are only valid for 7 days. Trials are also for evaluation purposes and should not be used for research or teaching. 
      >>How to request an evaluation license from the Ansys Optics Launcher – Ansys Optics 

      Please contact your Ansys Account Manager or Contact our Sales Department  to purchase an Academic Lumerical Research or Teaching license. 

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