Ansys Products

Ansys Products

Discuss installation & licensing of our Ansys Teaching and Research products.

License shared for multiple computer

    • xuezhi

      I have one lic file and under that file, there are different INCREMENT, with only one customer number

      it has already be installed on one PC and when I try to install on others , i failed to do so because of :Did not upload file - Error: The hostid in the license file is not a valid hostid for this license server machine.

      Any solution to this ? or can i use on multiple computer?



    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Xuezhi, 

      The licenses are encrypted using host details, we cannot edit the license file manually. 

      You will have to regenerate/rehost the license file using new host details from the Ansys licensing portal --> Manage Activation tab.
      Please refer to:





    • xuezhi

      When I click in , it shows "Please contact your sales representative to request a machine change."

      Now the sales representative is not very contactable, any other support we can have in Singapore?

      Is there any other way to share the license , there are many increments in one license file and I believe I not fully use it. 

    • Mrunali Barde
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Xuezhi, 
      Please expect to hear back from your sales representative soon. 

      Feel free to reach out for more details or updates. 



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