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License manager installs ‘successfully’ but isn’t in start menu

    • soloviev


      I have run the license manager installation multiple times and cannot seem to resolve this. I am switching license servers and already generated and activated the new host via customer portal. I am now trying to install license manager on the new host but when I do, I go through the installation process and it says it was successful, but there is no license manager in the program files or on the start menu. I also don't get the option to 'launch license manager upon exit' as the help guide says (see screenshot).

      I'd appreciate any way to resolve this.



    • soloviev
      I completely uninstalled ANSYS and re-installed the entire fluids package and then it installed successfully.
    • Karthik Remella
      Thanks for letting us know! I'm glad you were able to fix the issue.
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