Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products

license issue

    • Zubair Parekh

      I recently downloaded the student version of ansys, and as im doing fea analysis I get a license issue?  do you recommend i delete ansys and re-install it ? If so how would I do it and is there any special things i need to look out for when re-installing it,while already having an ansys account?

      Also when im doing fea analysis i get this message : your product license has numerical problem size limits. you have exceeded these problem
      I tried adjusting the mesh which doesn't respond to my changes, also I adjusted the cores used form 2 to 4, and adjusted the method i used?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Check the cell count limits in the download section, from memory it's around 64k cells for Mechanical but I may be a little out of date: I support Fluent. Re the meshing, check the minimum size settings along with any size functions, depending on their interaction you may not see any difference in the mesh when altering other settings.  

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