General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Large displacements (NLGEOM) for specific elements

    • rsadiwa

      I'm performing a static 2-body 2D simulation. The mesh is regular and continuous (across bodies) and elements are merely divided into two bodies for different materials. I want one of those materials/bodies to be geometrically linear, while the other geometrically non-linear. The reason is that one of the materials has very low stiffness (7OoM lower than the other), and it exists only because I need those nodes for boundary conditions. The issue is with NLGEOM on for the entire model, the model doesn't converge due to last distortions in some elements. I want to either have NLGEOM on for specific nodes or ignore the large distortion check. Is either of those possible?

    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      No.  NLGEOM is a global solver setting.  You cannot specify it for a subset of elements.  You could try converting the linear portion of your model into a substructure.

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