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Lafond turbine meshing – best approach

    • Daniel.dejan.gunde


      I'd need help with finding the most efficient approach and tool choice for meshing a Lafond turbine. It probably needs to be a structured mesh but let me know if there are other options. ICEM CFD would be the last resort so I was hoping if there is some other way to mesh the turbine in the way you can see in the attached figure. The main idea is to substantially reduce the total number of cells by stretching the cells in the axial direction of the turbine. Can it be done in Ansys Meshing or perhaps in Turbogrid? If yes, can you provide even some example or tutorial? Thank you very much for your help!

      Best regards,


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      With a small amount of decomposition it'll mesh in Ansys Meshing with a swept mesh, check the tutorials out in Help. Otherwise Multizone in Fluent Meshing (use 24R2) ought to work. 

    • Daniel.dejan.gunde

      Thank you for a fast reply! Besides the help file do you have some more examples or tutorials that can be found elsewhere or on your webpage? I was hoping I could find a similar meshing problem as a base.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator



      I very much doubt you'll find an exact match for your case, Intro tutorials are intended to show a feature and how it's used. Even advanced content tends to be fairly generic so it can be used across most/all industries & applications. Ie your device could be fixed so generate swirling flow, forced rotation as a pump or free rotation caused by flow to generate power! I'd mesh a pipe in much the same way: extrude/sweep a face mesh down the section. 

    • Daniel.dejan.gunde

      I understand. Thank you for your help!

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