General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Joint force probe output data in global reference frame.

    • josegegas


      When one adds a joint probe to a rigid dynamics simulation, for instance to read joint force or torque, by default Ansys outputs the values expressed in the reference frame of the joint:


      I would like the values expressed in the global reference frame, but Ansys does not give this option in the dialog. How can I do this?

      Thank you in advance.

    • Harshvardhan
      Ansys Employee

      In Ansys Rigid Dynamics solver, the joint constraint forces and moments are always reported in the joint reference coordinate system. If you need the values in the global reference frame, you might need to perform a coordinate transformation outside of Ansys.

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    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      If you only have 1 or 2 joints you could use the command fsum to get the joint forces in global coordinates.  The procedure would be to create a named selection for one of the faces the joint is scoped to and then issue the commands below:





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