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General Mechanical

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Issues with bonded interactions using a surface

    • Andres Mayorga

      Hello all,

      I am trying to replicate a double lap shear tensile test we did on a composite coupon to check for adhesive failure but I am having issues setting up the bonded interactions between the composite shell and adhesive body.

      I set my composite coupon as a surface and did a solid body for the adhesive, as shown below:

      For my bonded interactions, I did this:

      But the premilinary results I get show like if only 1 side of the composite surface is bonded:

      I also tried to set the bonded interactions as 1 command, but I get the same results when I use a surface.

      Also, if I suppress the side that looks bonded and leave the other side as is, I get the same mirrored results.

      I believe is something related with the surfaces because I did the same test with solid bodies (no surfaces) and the premilinary results look more realistic:

      Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      I would suggest to use solsh190 elements (soild shells) instead of only shell elements - see here what solsh190 are and how to mesh with them.


      Than it is also much easier to use bonded contact between them since both have a 3D geometry representation.

      All the best


    • Andres Mayorga

      Imported composites as solids from ACP and that worked! thanks for your help.

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