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Inductor Bias Current Issue in Maxwell 3D and Q3D.

    • Rami Rasheedi

      I am using Q3D and Maxwell 3D and have an issue with both.

      1- In Maxwell 3D, I am simulating a square inductor, the goal is to change the bias excitation current and plot the Inductance vs. Current graph to get the saturation current value. I defined the current as idc and did a parametric sweep. The expected is to see a regular decrease in Inductance with increasing current; the result is somehow wrong; it starts with a considerable value when idc=0, then it decreases to a specific value at the first sweep step, and then it stays constant till the end of the sweep. Could somebody help with that?

      2- In Q3D, I am simulating the same inductor and plotting the inductance vs. frequency; however, when I try to change the bias current using Field Overlays > Edit Sources, it does not change in the results plot, it stays the original value which is about 1A. Could you help with this?


    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      For Maxwell part, what is the solver you are using? 

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