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Issue with contour discontinuity while using dynamic mesh.

    • z5456415

      Hi all,

      I am encountering an issue with contour plots for a pitching airfoil simulation (using a dynamic rotating mesh). The contour shows a discontinuity between the dynamic mesh zone and the background mesh. Please refer to the attached image for clarity.

      Additionally, the contour plot displays the edge of the dynamic mesh zone, even though I did not select it when defining the contours.

      Can anyone please assist me in resolving this problem? I am saving the contours at each time step by defining an animation under Solution Animations (in Calculation Activities) and exporting them as JPEG or PNG files. Would using ANSYS Ensight for postprocessing help address this issue after saving the files as HSF?

      I also tried selecting only the background mesh and airfoil boundaries (excluding the dynamic mesh zone), but this created a gap (an empty region) between the airfoil boundary and the background mesh in the plot.

      I need to use the dynamic mesh option for this simulation because I plan to simulate passive airfoil motion later (the current simulation shows active motion).

      Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


      Muhammed Sadique

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you post an image of the mesh and also velocity contour. 

    • z5456415


      Hi Rob,

      Thank you very much for you reply.

      Here are the images,







    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Overset?  How does the contact look, ie how many orphan cells are there?

    • z5456415


      Yes, Overset mesh, where the dynamic motion is defined using the Dynamic mesh option (not using cell zone conditions). I did this because later I will need to prescribe/define motion passively using an equation.

      I do not know how to check for orphan cells. Could you please advise me on this? when I am using "/define/overset-interfaces/check" the console shows as below

      And when I checked Mesh under graphics  it displayed the overset mesh as below.


      It would be so helpful if you could help me on this.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You'll get a warning about orphan cells in the console if there are any. 

      You should be able to see the overset cell types in a Contour plot, possible under Cell Info.  Posting an image of the mesh may not be overly useful here as I can only see green. The first mesh image looks to have a fairly big cell size mismatch hence my question regarding orphan cells. 

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