LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Isogeometric analysis

    • Nikhil Khaire

      Hello Team,

      This is Nikhil Khaire, currently, I am exploring the Iso geometric analysis (IGA) capabilities available in the LS prepost.

      For the initial stage, I have started with the 3pt bend analysis. The 2- hollow rectangular (see Fig1)beam was used for test case.  With available capabilities in the ls prepost, I have created the set up. However, I am facing issue with Connection at the T- joint.

      While creating the mesh I used the build contact option which generates the Contact ( Nurbs tied_edge to edge) and also generate the IGA keyword Tied edge to edge (see  fig.2).

      The followings problem I am facing while running it.

      1. when I launched the job the, it get error out with message “ The Nurbs tied_edge to edge is not a valid Keyword)

      2. I removed the keywords from the file and re run and job completed with normal termination. However, at the start there was a  warning (see fig.3)

      3. When I checked the simulation results there was no connection of the middle wall (see Fig 4)

      I used smp_s_R13_0. SOLVER to launch the run.



      Please kindly provide any suggestion to resolve this issue.

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Nikhil,

      I am not an expert in this area but please see if the following link helps: 

      6.8. Merge Element Edge (


      Ashish Khemka

    • Nikhil Khaire

      Hello Ashish,

      Thank you for your reply. I have tried merge edge option. However, It is not working.It is possible to get help from someone who is expert in this field?


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