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General Mechanical

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Is there somewhere online to obtain Manson-Coffin parameter for ANSYS

    • DOS_1


      Is there a way to find out the 4 values for STrain Life analysis for different materials.

      Im talking speciifcally about Strength Coeff (S'z), Strength Exponent (b), Ductility Coeff (eps'z), Duct. Exp (c)

      Well I actually have b, but the other values very a lot from material to material.

      Could anyone recommend an online database where they can be found.

      I notice the ANSYS general materials have these values as blank.

      Any help much appreciated !



    • danielshaw
      Ansys Employee

      Why do say that Engineering Data does not provide those parameters?

      I do not have any external resource for obtaining EN material properties.  Internally, Engineering Data, Granta, and Ansys nCode DesignLife (which has them for about 230 material) provide some EN data.  


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