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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Is there any way to calculate F_AREA,NV_MAG manually?

    • Anadi_Mondal


      If I use the outer face (surface )of a 3D pipe to DEFINE_PROFILE, then is there any way to calculate the F_AREA(area,f,tf), area_face=NV_MAG(area) ,F_CENTROID(pos,f,tf) manually?

      Actually I want to know the difference between area_face calculated by ansys and the outer area of a tube calculated by analytically.



    • Karthik Remella
      Hello What do you mean by 'manually'? If it is a separate face zone, you should be able to use the 'surface integral' (area) option to estimate the total surface area. You should be able to compare the two values (from the UDF and Fluent post-processing) obtained. Is this what you are looking for?
    • Anadi_Mondal
      Hello Karthik Thank you for replying. I mean 'analytically' by the word 'manually' . We can calculate outer surface area of of a tube by 2*pi*r*h which should be same as using 'surface integral'(area). But, I want to know the difference between these(analytical/surface integral(area) area and F_AREA(area,f,tf) ,area_face=NV_MAG(area).
      Which area we get when we use the macros F_AREA(area,f,ft) and area_face=NV_MAG(area)?
      Regards Anadi
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      If you look in the documentation you'll find examples of those macros, you'll also find examples of fprint: you need to apply the latter to the former.

    • Amine Ben Hadj Ali
      Ansys Employee
      Surface Integral of Area is the sum of facets area.
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