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General Mechanical

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Is there a way to input residual stress data derived from other software

    • kangjs1420


      I'm a student studying welding engineering.

      I'm going to use ANSYS to do fatigue analysis.

      I have thermo-mechanical analysis data that previously analyzed the welding process with other software(Hexagon Simufact).

      The extension of the data file is bdf, and I would like to bring the residual stress data stored inside the file to ANSYS for fatigue analysis.

      I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how

    • Nanda Veralla
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Kang,

      Yes, it is possible to bulk data file(*.bdf) into Ansys for your fatigue analysis. Please refer to the below steps:

      • In the BDF (Bulk Data File) format you mentioned, please ensure the data includes each node’s stress tensor components (Sxx, Syy, Szz, Sxy, Sxz, Syz) before you export it.
      • In ANSYS Workbench, create a new Static Structural analysis system.
      • Import the geometry of your welded part into the Static Structural system.
      • Right-click on the Geometry cell and select “Import Geometry”. Browse to the BDF file exported from Simufact and import it.
      • ANSYS will read the residual stress data from the BDF file and map it onto the imported geometry. The stress tensor components will be available as solution data.
      • This solution data can be mapped to your fatigue analysis module


      For more details, please refer to these links:
      Importing Files (ansys.com)
      WB import entire Nastran model .bdf (ansys.com)



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