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Is It Possible to Export HFSS Mesh to Workbench for Quality Analysis?

    • jose.gaetet

      Hello everyone,

      I’m currently working on a project in HFSS and was curious if it’s possible to export the mesh generated in HFSS to Workbench for quality evaluation using tools from other ANSYS modules.

      If this is doable, I’d appreciate any tips or guidance on how to go about it, or if anyone has insights based on their experience.

      Thanks in advance for your help!

    • Gia
      Ansys Employee

      Field results from an HFSS simulation can be transfered to other Ansys tools via Ansys Workbench, however it is not possible to export the mesh.

      To evaluate the mesh in HFSS, you can plot the mesh on any surface, volume, or cut-plane by first selecting the desired geometry and selecting the menu option [HFSS > Fields > Plot Mesh].

      You can also review the 'Mesh Statistics' which contains informaiton about the min/max/mean tetrahedral element volume and edge length per geometric object in the model. - Right-Click on 'Results' in the Project Tree, and then select 'Solution Data', and then select the 'Mesh Statistics' tab.

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