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Invalid SAG error

    • arezoo.tahmasebi

      I have disigend a biconic lens in Zemax sequential interface. when I convert it to NSC and try to open the NSC file an error comes up: Invalid biconic sag. Besides this, I could not create an archive file of my Zemax file to attach. it keeps saying: cannot archive fle is unreadable.
      can anybody help me out with that?

    • Ethan Keeler
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Arezoo,

      Could you share a screenshot of the parameters you are using to define your Biconic surfaces? There could be a number of issues in the definition, and it would be easier to understand if I can try to replicate your surfaces.

      You may be unable to create a proper archive file since there is an error present in your model. Let me know if you continue to get errors regarding archive file creation, once you create a working model.


      • arezoo.tahmasebi


         Thank you so much for your reply. I’m sorry that I don’t have access to my PC right now to take a screenshot, but I do have a photo of my PC screen attached. I hope the input data is clear enough in the photo.


    • Ethan Keeler
      Ansys Employee

      Happy to help and thank you for sharing the screenshot! I believe the issue is that you have set the Semi-Diameter to 0 (fixed) for Surface 1. OpticStudio likely doesn't know what to do with this definition during the conversion. Real optics will have some diameter defined on both sides of the lens, and often these diameters are the same. Could you try giving this field a reasonable value? In addition, since you are not actually defining a Biconic surface on Surface 1 (all values are infinity or 0), then I would suggest simplifying the definition by just using the Standard surface type.

      Let me know if it still gives you trouble.


      • arezoo.tahmasebi

        The problem with conversion is solved. Thank you for your help!

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