General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Invalid “Boundary Condition”

    • martijnschrama298



      Im working on a project and want to use Ansys to make a simulation (ultimately force-deflection graph). I made a mock of this assembly, which I imported and turned out fine, there were no errors. However, after importing the real part I do have an error: Invalid "Boundary Condition". I do not understand where this comes from as i used a fixed support for one surface, and only apply one load on it. Is there anyone who can help troubleshoot?
      Thanks in advance

      M. Schrama


    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      can you right click on error and go to object? Also there seems a question mark on static structural solution folder, please expand it and see which object has that.


      Forum Rules & Guidelines

    • peteroznewman

      Follow Aniket’s advice and post the answer.

      To get an accurate force-deflection curve, turn on Large Deflection under Analysis Settings. To make sure you get at least 20 points along the curve, under Analysis Settings, turn on Auto TIme Stepping then under the Initial and Minimum Substeps, use 20 and for Maximum Substeps, use 200. 

      Please post the curve for my interest.


    • martijnschrama298

      Hi all,
      Thanks for the help. In the end we wanted a hinge at the top, and also decided to clean up the model in solidworks. For giving it a displacement the model works, which is enough for the project. Added is a screenshot of the model and plot. Large deflection is on. The model doesn't like when a force is added yet, which makes me curious why, but thanks already!

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