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Internal and External Flow Setup in ANSYS Fluent/SpaceClaim

    • Ali
      I am simulating an aircraft with the engine running, which involves internal and external (engine) flows together. The aircraft is placed in a far-field domain with prescribed boundary conditions, while the engine inlet will have a different boundary condition applied. Both the external domain and the engine are in the same fluid medium (air).
      My main questions are:
      1. How should I model the computational domains? If I create a separate fluid volume inside the engine, the inlet and outlet become interfaces, which turn into internal boundaries in Fluent. How do I manage this appropriately for internal-external flow coupling?
      2. How should I apply the boundary conditions correctly? I need to ensure the boundary conditions for the far-field and engine components are handled properly.
      3. How do I prepare the geometry for this setup in SpaceClaim? Any suggestions on how to set up the computational domain in SpaceClaim? I want mesh and simulate in Fluent. 
      I'm seeking guidance on the best practices for geometry preparation, domain setup, and boundary condition application in this type of simulation.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      To clarify you want to model the external aircraft geometry and the whole engine? How much detail do you want to model for both parts? 

      Have a look in Learning on here and Fluent's tutorials for more general information. 

    • Ali

      Yes, I want to model the geometry of external aircraft and the engine as a whole. Engine inlet with mass flow boundary condition, nothing else will be modeled at this stage. Later, I want to model the whole engine except combustion.

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