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Installation sequence for ANSYS HFSS

    • Embry Riddle

      Where can I find the command line installation sequence for HFSS on Linux64 (specifically Rocky Linux 8.7)?

    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      This video on Ansys Innovation Space explains the steps:
      For more detailed information you can check the "Ansys Electromagnetics Suite 2024 R1 Linux Installation Guide" available in the Ansys help documentation.
      Here the steps:
      1. Open the command prompt.
      2. Use the cd command to navigate to the installation directory containing setup.exe
      3. Run setup.exe using the -i silent option and append any installer properties for which you
      want to deviate from the default value. Each property is prefixed with -D (with no space
      between the D and the property name). Several examples follow:
      Command Line Examples
      l Example 1: Override the default installation directory and specify a single license server:
      setup.exe -i silent -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR= -DSPECIFY_
      l Example 2: Force keeping the existing license configuration – if none currently exists, this
      option will create a new configuration (specifying the local machine as the license server):
      setup.exe -i silent -DKEEP_LIC_CFG=1
      l Example 3: Configure a common library directory:
      setup.exe -i silent -DLIBRARY_COMMON_INSTALL=1 -DLIBRARY_COMMON_
      l Example 4: Configure a custom temporary file directory and do not add read/write access
      to this folder for all users:
      setup.exe -i silent -DTMP_DIR= -DTMP_RW=0
      l Example 5: Configure redundant license servers:
      setup.exe -i silent -DSPECIFY_LIC_CFG=1 -DLICENSE_

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