LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.


    • valerym.m5

      I am solving a problem about a load falling (rigid body) onto a deformable body.

      I need to set the initial velocity (*INITIAL_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY) of the load with a time delay using *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME.

      Unfortunately, LS-DYNA (R15) does not accept this command.

    • Ram Gopisetti
      Ansys Employee


      It appears the only issue arises from the usage of *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME in conjunction with *INITIAL_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY.

      *INITIAL_VELOCITY_RIGID_BODY is incompatible with *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME. Instead, you should use *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION with PHASE=1, scoped to the rigid body. This allows you to define the velocity generation, and then apply *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME to introduce a delay before the velocity is activated.

      For additional details, please refer to the *INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION_START_TIME section in the LS-DYNA Manual, Volume 1.

      Cheers, Ram 

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