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Initial position setting in maxwell (Axial Flux Motor)

    • wonseiii99

      Hi, I'm simulating axial flux motor using maxwell 

      My model is 10 pole - 12 slot.

      How can I set proper initial postion? 

      Can I just set it to 0? I'm saying this because I think the torque value is different depending on the initial position.

      Any suggetions will be highly appreciated.

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee
      For the initial position, you need to make alignment between Phase A and the north pole of rotor.
      • wonseiii99

        Thanks for your reply. However, How do I know that angle?


        My current formulas are above and have 10 pole 12 slot.

        • MirandaH
          Ansys Employee

          Hi, the angle is not in the value of excitation, you can find the north pole from the geometry and phase A excitation.

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