Student Competition

Student Competition

Topics related to vehicle design, sponsorship, application process etc.

In Ansys fluent i don’t have ribbon option, could someone please help me.


    • mihirraval19

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      It looks like the ribbon accidentally got hidden with this arrow:

      To fix it, you can go the the Arrange Workspace icon and click on Default or one of the other options:




      I hope this helps.



    • mihirraval19

      Hi Judy,

      Thank you for your quick response and for helping me with this.

      Unfortunately, I am not able to find the "Arrange the workshop" option.

      I am attaching a few screenshots here for your reference to see the user interface on my side.

      Could you please help me with this,

      I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience,

      Thank you for your time,


      Mihir Raval

    • mihirraval19

      Sorry by mistake I attached the wrong screenshot,

      This is for Fluent,

    • mihirraval19

      Hi Judy,

      Looks Like I just figured it out, 

      I renamed this folder,

      Now I have the ribbon option in my fluent window,

      Also when I lunched the software after renaming the folder it created this new folder here,

      I am sharing it here hoping if someone review this thread they will get the solution as well, 

      Thank you,

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee

      Thank you!  I will make a  public solution for this.  How did you ever guess which file to delete?

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