General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Importing construction planes from SpaceClaim to Mechanical

    • Rémi Gérard-Marzan

      Hello everyone,

      I need to use the MovingHeat Ansys ACT extension. This very convenient ACT models a gaussian spot of heat flux that can travel along a path. The only cumbersome aspect of this ACT is that the path you specify cannot be a construction geometry. It needs to be either a virtual topology edge, or a real edge.

      In my present case, I need to have the spot criss-cross through a flat surface a great number of times (more than 200 times). Manually defining 200 virtual topology edges is out of the question. However, I have been able to rapidly create this number of construction planes in Spaceclaim by simpling copy-pasting them in bulk.

      My question is thus: Is there a way to import all these planes from SpaceClaim into Mechanical as virtual topology planes, edges or whatever?

      Best regards,


    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee

      You cannot transfer planes from SpaceClaim to Mechanical. However, you can move and copy a suface just as easy as a plane in SpaceClaim. Can you use the surfaces in Mechanical to locate any path points? You could also create origins in SpaceClaim and this will transfer to Mechanical as local coordinate systems. You can also copy and move origins in SpaceClaim. You can make constuction paths from coordinate systems in Mechanical.

      But why use a virtual topology edge for the path? Why not just make the in SpaceClaim as a split in the surface?

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