April 29, 2024 at 11:52 pm
SubscriberSo I'm trying to do a 1-way fluent/rocky coupling. I connected the CAD file of spaceclaim in workbench to Rocky. Since the CAD file is also used for CFD, it includes fluid and solid. The fluid is air. When I import it to Rocky it seems like Rocky recognizes the whole body as a solid body, including the fluid one. Because of that, the particles doesn't move through the fluid body. What can I do? I am completely new to Rocky.
April 30, 2024 at 10:40 am
Forum ModeratorFirst of all it's generally easier to run Rocky & Fluent coupling outside of Workbench. You may then find that once you do connect Fluent into Rocky that you can remove all of the solid surfaces just leaving those you need for the fluid region. However, before going much further reviewing the Rocky content in Learning and from Help would be a good idea: that includes tutorials.Â
April 30, 2024 at 12:06 pm
SubscriberI know how to run it outside of Workbench. My problem is, that I would like to do a parametric study of different angles of attacks. For that, I created a parameter set in Spaceclaim with two angles. If I change one or both of them, the AOA changes as well. If I run the whole simulation outside of Workbench, do I have to adjust the geometry each time (i.e. to delete the fluid body)?Â
I already learned a lot about Rocky with tutorials, but unfortunately, I haven't found anything on the problem yet, despite searching.
April 30, 2024 at 1:11 pm
Forum ModeratorAssuming all of the tutorials were pushed over to Learning/Documentation the way Rocky uses geometry will be covered. Now, as Rocky uses the Fluent geometry it may be easier to update into Fluent and then run coupling outside of WB. Given the compute effort to run the coupled models how much effort is it to re-read the altered Fluent case into Rocky each time?Â
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