General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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I have question about stress concentration or singularity

    • JooJaehoon

      I'm conducting structural analysis about break-away.

      I'm predicting stress profile of gasket when frictional force applied against operating pressure like bottom schematic (a)

      Stress result showed at schematic (b)


      Q1. Is tendency violence occuring point (blacke circled) (inflection occured at stress contour) considered as stress concentration point or singularity point?

      Q2. By applying alternative gasket shape and operating pressure, I can make same stress contour at original condition with alternative shape like schematic (c). Then, predicted tendency violence occuring pointed can be located at out of observing area, as a result, I can get stress contour with no stress concentration or singularity. As seen from above, negating stress concentration of singulairty method is valid?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee




      Yes there seems to be a singularity there (you can verify it by doing a mesh study).

      Perhaps try as you suggest, but I do not know if that will completely resolve this.

      In most cases one can refine the mesh and look away from that singular corner  and one will see that the stresses are ok some elements away from there (stress singularity).

      See this article for some guidance – hope this helps.




    • JooJaehoon

      High erik, thank you for replying my question

      I've checked an article you send me. It give me a good inspiration.

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