General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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I can’t figure out what’s wrong in my model, problem with mesh size?

    • ahmed.taher


      So, im trying to run a simulation consisting of axial load, then after it becomes steady state, I do the detonation part. my model have boundry conditions, and static damping coeff. in order to each steady state axial load.
      the problem is, it is a column having dimension of 400*400*2500 mm^3. I DID the full simulation before, having concrete mesh size of 25 mm in all directions. Im trying to do the same full simulation, but the difference is, is that the concrete mesh size is 10 mm in all directions.
      my model have SPH particles of 4 mm diameter.

      here is a photo of it:

      i don't know what the issue is, but the simulation runs perfectly in a 25 mm mesh size. when trying 10 mm or even 50 mm, it doesn't work. IT ALWAYS STOPS in the detonation process. 

      could you help me out? 
      Thanks in advance,

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee

      Ansys employees cannot answer this query. Please wait for other forum users to chime in.

      Mohan Urs

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