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Hybrid Rocket Simulation

    • Zwernjayden

      I'm working off this (https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/6/3/100) research paper on modelling a hybrid rocket to determine its regression rate. I'm unsure how to model the fuel inlet. I thought it meant it should be a mass flow inlet, but now im thinking it could be a wall boundary condition with a surface injection of the fuel because it depends on the heat flux to the fuel wall, and im not sure you can get that if its an inlet.

      TLDR: I'm not sure what a fuel wall+source boundary condition is in this paper in sections 5.2-5.4

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can use a source term adjacent to the wall, and link the source to whatever drives the system. 

      Unfortunately Ansys staff can't offer much beyond that as rockets are on the list of things we're not permitted to assist with on the Forum. 

    • Zwernjayden

      Sorry I'm still a bit new to Ansys. How do you define a source term. Would it be in a UDF?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Source terms are added in the cell zone panel, UDFs are one option to setting the value of the source. 

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