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How to Visualize Mesh Deformation and Fluid-Structure Interaction in ANSYS Ensig

    • idenyu8701

      I am currently working on a two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulation in ANSYS, and I would like to visualize both the mesh deformation and the interaction between the fluid and structure using ANSYS Ensight. Could someone guide me on the steps or best practices for setting up this type of visualization? Specifically, I am looking for insights on how to:

      1. Display the fluid mesh deformation.
      2. Show the interaction between the fluid and the structural body over time.
      3. Ensure smooth and accurate animation of the results.

        Is It Necessary to Import Both Fluid and Structure Files into ANSYS Ensight for Two-Way FSI Visualization?

      Any tips, tutorials, or documentation recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Iden, 

      I would suggest the following tutorial from our Help page to get you started: Postprocess Co-Simulation Results (ansys.com)

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