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How to visualize deformation in CFX for a 2-way FSI results?

    • Victor Telazzi


      I have successfully been able to run a 2-way FSI between Mechanical and CFX on Workbench for a morphing wing. FYI, I tried setting up the simulation with Fluent for weeks but both 1-way and 2-way FSI crashed while CFX was successful after just a few hours. This morphing wing has two internal chambers, whose pressures can be regulated to control camber. Now, how do I visualize the results of the CFD simulation with the final deformed geometry? I am wondering if the 2-way FSI is working properly, because the results of the 1-way and the 2-way simulations are nearly identical, but experiments show that the external flow clearly influences the deformation of the wing. Is it possible that CFX is only transferring forces without receiving deformation results from Mechanical?

      Thank you in advance and best regards.

    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee


      You can save the intermediate timestep results and visualize the bend in cfd-post as a timestep animation.

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