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How to use remote point for load application

    • venugopal.b

      Hello all,

      I have a cylindrical shell with fixed bottom. Further, I have a force at the fixed bottom level only. Since the bottom is fixed, we can't directly apply the load at the bottom. So, I have created a remote point at the bottom of the shell and it is connected with the top edge of the shell. However, after solving the problem the behaviour it shows is entirely different from the expected . Can someone explain me, how to properly use remote points to apply load or Suggest me the correct way of applying the load using remote point.



      Venugopal B

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Venu,

      Remote points are very useful in cantilevered structures when you want to cut away a length of the geometry that carries the load from the end where the force is applied to the critical area at the base, and you don’t want to mesh that length, but you need to apply a force to the end. It’s possible to replace a force at the end with a force and a moment at the cut face, but it is simpler to create a remote point where the end used to be and just apply the force to the remote point and let the remote point create the correct moment on the cut face for you. What do you mean by applying force at fixed support? (Applying load to a fixed support, the load won't be transferred to the body) .Please share more details on your model loading with FBD.


      Chapter 12: Remote Points Remote Force

      Advantages of using remote points in Mechanical? | Ansys Knowledge



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