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How to use “near-wall model approach” instread of wall function?

    • Dato

      Hello everyone,

      I've just been learning turbulence model in Fluent theory guide.It's mentioned that wall function and near-wall model is two way concerning near-wall treatment. 


      As far as I have learnt, wall function, including standard, scalable, non-equilibrium wall function and enhanced wall treatment, is available for k-epsilon model. And k-omega model uses Y+ insensitive treatment when it comes near the wall. 

      However, how can I apply the "near-wall model approach" to obtain an accurate results to have the wall shear and heat transferboundary layer well resolved? Is it related  to the a specific turbulence model? Can the approach be applied in k-epsilon models? I know that a refined mesh is required for the near-wall model approach. 


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a more careful read up on the wall functions: EWF in k-e should switch between wall function and resolved if the mesh (y+) is suitable. 

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