General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to track deformation of a face/line of a solid in a mechanical simulation?

    • Eric Yu


      I am doing a static structural analysis of a soft body under pressure load. I hope to keep track of the deformation of a face/edge and obtain the temporal evolution of length. However, I am not able to isolate the face/line for post-processing.


      Is there any method to only display the edge/faces interested for deformation? such that I can generate a 2D movie then use image tools to extract the evolution of length etc. Or, does Ansys allow to track the deformation and post-process it similar to total deformation and stresses to extract the quantities? If there is any better method please let me know! 

      Thank you!!!


    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Eric, what do you mean by you are not able to isolate face? instead of assigning total deformation results to All bodies, which is the default, you should be able to select an edge or face for it, right?


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      • Eric Yu

        Hi Aniket, thank you so much for the reminding! It works fine now. However, is it possible to obtain the nodal information along a certain edge and export it at different time frame?



        • Aniket
          Forum Moderator

          If you right-click and export to text, it should export the nodal result at the current time step. You can change the time, reevaluate the result, and export the result. Alternatively, you can insert results for all required time steps and use something like this to export using scripting : 


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