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How to Split STL geometry for giving boundary conditions?

    • Sliceee123

      It's not possible to edit STL geometry , then how we can give Boundary conditions For the Complex STL geometry.

    • RK
      Ansys Employee
      I would suggest you to either wrap it or convert it to a solid and then apply BC. Again, this depends on the number of facets you have in the model and how intricate your model is.
    • Sliceee123
      Model is complex , Is there any better way to do so ..?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      How many surfaces do you need? Is the stl one big file or is it made up of multiple bits?
    • Sliceee123
      It is one STL file , but the structure is complex .

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Are the surfaces you want to split flat? Ie can you use a seed & angle on the surface facets?
    • Sliceee123
      Actually I want to do nasal airflow simulation , no surfaces are not flat
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      In which case can you do some of the separation in the segmentation tool?
    • Sliceee123
      Segmentation tool in Ansys?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Fluent Meshing allows surfaces to be split from a seed. I'd get a mesh first though. Otherwise the software that's used to convert from DICOM to stl usually has some very good capping tools.
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