LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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how to run drop using pymechanical

    • 752612542

      hi all,

      When I use Mechanical for drop testing in Linux, I use pymechanical to read the geometry file:

      mechanical = pymechanical.launch_mechanical(exec_file=workbench_path, verbose_mechanical=True, batch=True, loglevel="DEBUG", log_file=True, log_mechanical="pymechanical") 

      geo_import_format = Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryImportPreference.Format.Automatic 

      geo_import_preferences = Ansys.ACT.Mechanical.Utilities.GeometryImportPreferences()

      geo_import = Model.GeometryImportGroup.AddGeometryImport()

      geo_import.Import("{geo_path:s}", geo_import_format, geo_import_preferences)


      dyna = Model.AddLSDynaAnalysis()


      However, I recently learned that directly importing the geometry file into Mechanical and then using LSDYNA is incorrect. Could you please tell me how to complete the drop test using a Python script?

    • 752612542

      On Windows, my process is as follows:

      1.  Open Mechanical.

      2.  Import the geometry file.

      3.  Then run the script, which uses dyna = Model.AddLSDynaAnalysis(), but this way I am unable to solve the problem.

      Unless I follow these steps:

      1.  Open Workbench.

      2.  Open LSDYNA.

      3.  Import the geometry model.

      4.  Run the script, which allows for normal solving.

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      This forum is to discuss workbench LS Dyna and LS Dyna suite. If you need help with pyansys i suggest you look into Ansys Developer Portal | Ansys Developer Portal and forum for the same can be accessed here Home - Community Forum
      Also try exploring these examples LS-Dyna analysis — pymechanical-examples and Ball plate — PyDYNA.

      Mohan Urs

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