December 9, 2020 at 2:33 amManateeSubscriber
Does anyone know how to get more details on an error in a simulation with System Coupling? I have been running an FSI model (System Coupling of Transient CFX and Transient Structural) which was going okay for one material but when I changed the material, it gave me this error:
December 11, 2020 at 2:31 pmStephen OrlandoAnsys EmployeeWhen running System Coupling and it stops running, the first thing to do is examine the output files for each solver to look for clues to what happened. For Fluent, look at the transcript .trn file. For Mechanical, look at the .out file. Also, look at the System Coupling log file, .scl.nI recommend going over this tutorial in the Ansys documentation that shows a 2-way FSI simulation with Fluent and Mechanical.https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v202/en/sysc_tut/sysc_tut_oscplate_wb_fluent.html.nSystem Coupling Tutorials \\ Tutorials with Workbench-Setup Workflows \\ Tutorials with Workbench Setup and Execution \\ Oscillating Plate FSI with Fluent and MechanicalnYou can also look at the following for the same tutorial but run with the System Coupling GUI or Command Line Interface that is run outside of Workbench. The new System Coupling GUI (run outside of Workbench) is available by searching for System Coupling 2019R3 (or newer) in the Start menu.https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v202/en/sysc_tut/sysc_tut_oscplate_cli_fluent.htmlnSystem Coupling Tutorials \\ Tutorials with Command-Line Interface (CLI) Workflows \\ Oscillating Plate FSI with Fluent and MechanicalnStevenViewing 1 reply thread- The topic ‘How to Retrieve Error Information on System Coupling?’ is closed to new replies.
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