General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics relate to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more

How to provide angular displacement?

    • Raj Shinde

      How to rotate torsion spring to determine stresses at desire angular displacement?
      I have torsion spring shown in Image 1, i want to rotate this spring by 75 degree and get the max stress region. I am applying moment at the one arm while other arm is fixed. The values i am getting are too high also the animation in "True scale" looks very different as shown in Image 2. Please let me know any one has different approach?



      As you can see whenever i give moment to this spring one of the arm while other arm is fixed. Spring get  expanded in very abnormal way. why this is happening and how can i correct that?

    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee

      Turn on large deflection in the analysis settings

    • peteroznewman

      In addition to the advice mjmiddle provided, I suggest you insert a Revolute Joint, Body-Ground. Let the ground Reference coordinates be the center of the coils and orient the Coordinate System so that the Z axis is along the coil axis. Let the Mobile location be the 3 faces on the short arm at one end of the coils. Apply a Joint Load to rotate the Mobile end by a specific angle.  Use a Joint Probe to measure the Torque being created to rotate that short end.

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