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How to properly simulate/estimate the NF of a optical link in INTERCONNECT?

    • m.belchovski


      I am trying to simulate, and estimate from the simulation the noise figure of a simple optical link (as shown in the figure). It is a bit elaborate to explain here what I want to do with the circuit, but in short: I have an RF signal and a certain noise power at the input that determines my SNR_in. At the output I recover the RF signal (the power of the signal is correct), however the noise PSD or noise floor does not seem correct. So my SNR_out estimation is not okay, and the overall NF is not correct. Do you have any suggestions how I can get more accurate results for the noise PSD or noise floor to calculate the output SNR? I compare my simulation results with exact theoretical results for this kind of link. Please, if you need further information let me know. Thank a lot!


    • Dev
      Ansys Employee


      More information on the noise figure calculation which you might find useful:

      Optical Amplifier (AMP) – INTERCONNECT Element – Ansys Optics

      Also, have a look at the Frequency Noise Analyzer for Interconnect Optical Frequency Noise Spectrum Analyzer (OFNSA) – INTERCONNECT Element – Ansys Optics

      Hope this helps.

      Let me know if you require futher assistance.

      Thank you



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