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How to plot propagation constant of surface wave of grounded dielectric sheet

    • derek1414


      I would like to know how to plot the propagation constant in a typical microstrip structure, as shown in the image.

      The goal is to determine the propagation constant of the surface wave generated under specific permittivity and substrate height conditions.

      I have seen tutorials on YouTube explaining how to plot the propagation constant in waveguides, but I am unsure how to configure the ports and boundaries for a microstrip structure.


      For reference, I have set up the HFSS configuration as shown in the image.

      How can I plot the propagation constant of the surface wave ?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      For the plot see the video at about 2min:30sec - 3min:30sec  in the video:


      As for the BC perhaps some forum members can chime in here:

      Perhaps the below helps:


      All the best


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