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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to partition the pipe assembly?

    • M210098


      I am currently attempting a simulation tutorial provided in the innovation course.

      With reference to Step 1, I was trying to comprehend what the question meant by partition the pipe into "exposed" and "unexposed" regions. The image below describe what I think it meant. Thus, I would just need to split this pipe into separate bodies representing the exposed and unexposed regions.

      May I clarify that with you? May I also ask for you to provide some suggestions if it is wrong. Thank you. 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee





      Just use the shared toplogy in spaceclaim and as shown in the video I refered to in previous post – that will create all the face spilts and connect common faces so we get a connected mesh (and so we do not use contacts), and you will be able to select these faces you show. If you still want to split faces (but not merge common ones, so like what share top. does) use the split tool (you can use the flanges to split the outer pipe face):



      All the best





    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee

      Not splitting of bodies, you need to split the pipe surface.

      Use the Split tool to generate the exposed and unexposed pipe regions.

      Step 1: Select the pipe top face.

      Step 2: Select the below option.

      Step 3: Select the flange face.



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