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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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How to output XY data in Fringe Plot

    • rji229



      I'm using the SPH method to simulate a high-speed ballistic impact problem. I want to output the strain energy of the individual particle. I cannot find the strain energy icon in the #History in LS-Prepost, but I find it in the Fringe Component.

      I can only display the contours of the strain energy, but I don't know how to output these values as XY pairs.

      Could you show me the steps in detail?




    • Alex Rycman
      Ansys Employee


      1. Plot the fringe (Plot->FriComp) e.g., volumetric strain 
      2. Plot->History->Scalar, you will be able to plot that the fring for a node/element


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