General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to modify in Design modeler after solution

    • Md_Salem

      Hello everyone,

      I used workbench to carry out a harmonic analysis on a C channel. I created a surface model of the C channel using Design Modeler. After the solution is finished, I need to edit the model such that I have square open in the web of the C channel as shown in the picture.

      I assigned the XY plan and drew the square, but I don't know how to make the opening in the body of the web ( surface body).


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      From the Sketch of the square, do an Extrude with operation type of Cut material.

      Also, you may have to do a Freeze or Unfreeze other bodies prior to this operation. 

      • Md_Salem


        Hello Gray,

        I appreciated your response.

        The model shown here is carried out as a surface body (not extruded). Hence, I cannot extrude the drawn square (sketch) because it cannot be extruded (the sliding menu cannot utilize extrude order – as shown in the picture).

        It seems that the design modeler is locked after the solution is obtained 


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      Press the "Share Topology" button in the toolbar.
      It will unlock. 

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