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How to model atomization, evaporation and combustion of liquid fuel?

    • Rashi.Gupta

      I am modelling the combustion of liquid fuel in furnace using non-premixed combustion. Liquid fuel enter through a pipe and parallelly air also enter through a different pipe, they interact at the mouth of nozzle and liquid fuel atomize into smaller droplets and further evaporate and react. I am using dpm model to simulate flow of liquid fuel and giving injection at the inlet of atomizer pipe, but as liquid fuel is continuous at the inlet I am not able to determine what to write as input in particle size in injection tab. Can you suggest any alternative way to approach this problem?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can use VOF to DPM to capture the break up but evaporating and burning the VOF part isn't simple and the mesh requirements likely make it too computationally expensive given you're then looking at the rest of the domain. 

      The nozzle/atomiser injection types may be suitable, otherwise you may find the nozzle data will give sufficient information. Alternatively you can model the nozzle in one case to find the droplet distribution and then map that into a second case to use DPM for the combustion part. 

    • Rashi.Gupta

      So, if I consider third method that you have suggested where I break my problem into two parts. I will model atomization process in nozzle using VOF to DPM method and used the results from this simulation, to model evaporation and combustion using the DPM model in another simulation, here I will feed the data I got from first simulation in injections. Is my understanding correct? How will I extract the injection data from the first simulation?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's about it. Have a look at the VOF to DPM documentation, you're after an injection file for the second simulation. 

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