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How to measure inductance of coil winding when using cosimulation between Maxwell and Simplorer?

    • blue_nun_7

      Hi, I have successfully set up and run a simulation that connects Maxwell to Simplorer using a Transient Co-simulation. In Maxwell, a coil winding with an external excitation connects to a Simplorer circuit. However, I cannot understand how to determine the inductance of the coil after the job is complete. In the results files of Maxwell, there is an option to plot 'L' under the 'Winding' option, however there is no data in the resulting graph. In Simplorer, there seems to be no option anywhere to plot inductance. Any ideas? Thanks :)

    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee

      For the transient simulation in Maxwell enable matrix computation.
      Then you will see them under rectangular plot window
      Regards Navya

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