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How to get Coalesced particle ID in Ansys Fluent?

    • rashed.islam


      I am currently using Coalesced-DPM model in Ansys Fluent to simulate API-Lactose particles for an inhaler inhalation related fluid problem. As an outcome, I want to find Aerodynamic Particle Size Distribution (APSDs) in the outlet. In order to do that, I need to know the particle ID of each coalesced particle due to agglomeartion/deagglomeration. 
      Is anyone please help me in this issue? 

      Thanks in advance.


    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee


      Here are my comments from what I understand: coalesced particles are actually removed trajactories. If you want to track coalesced particles, you can use say DPM_SPRAY_COLLIDE, loop into the particles, check if some became bigger and mark or note them. You can check the UDF manual which uses this macro for a very simple coalescence model..

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