

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How to generate an RGP file from REFPROP and refer to it in CFX

    • Shin



      I would like to perform an analysis in CFX considering the actual exhaust gas composition (mixed[N2, CO2, H2Ovapor]), but I don't understand the following two points.


      ・How to generate RGP files from REFPROP

      ・How to reference the generated RGP file in CFX


      So it would be greatly appreciated if you could explain the details.


      I'm using CFX(2020 R2) and REFPROP(version10).


    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      Please go to the Ansys Customer Portal and enter the kewword "rgp" under Knowledge Resources->Solutions.  KM2061169 explains how to generate RGP files for use with CFX.  A sample python script is provided that can be executed by opening a command line window from the CFX launcher.  This will generate an RGP file that can be referenced in CFX-Pre under Materials - refer to KM389307 for how to implement the RGP file in CFX.

      • Shin

        Thank you.

        I was able to run the sample script and generate an RGP file for water. Now, to generate an RGP for a mixed fluid, do I need to define a new fluid in REFPROP? Or do I just rewrite the sample script?

    • Shin

      Thank you very much.

      I will work on it referring to KM2061169 and KM389307.

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