General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to follow modes shapes as a parameters in modal analysis

    • Simfr


      I would like to conduct a sensitivity study on a modal analysis to examine how output parameters evolve based on variations in input parameters. I can parameterize the positions of the mode shapes, but when certain input parameters have a significant influence, they can alter the mode positions. As a result, a mode shape at position *n* may not correspond to the same shape when the input parameters change.

      To address this issue, I used the MAC coefficient (available in NVH Toolkit, version 2022 R1), which allows me to define an objective function that accounts for these position variations across the entire model. However, I am unable to specifically analyze the sensitivity of an individual mode shape.

      Thank you in advance for your help.

    • dlooman
      Ansys Employee

      There doesn't seem to be an automatic way.  Do you have access the "Knowledge Resources" on the Customer Portal?  KB 2062274 offers a file based technique that may give you some ideas.

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