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How to edit ‘Imported Body Temperature’ tables

    • cb472

      I'm trying to complete a thermo-mechanical analysis to simulate the residual stress generated in a railway wheel from a heat treatment process. I have completed the thermal analysis and have started on the structural analysis by entering the analysis step end times in the 'Analysis Settings'. Now when I go to import my body temperatures, I insert the times I want but it doesn't match in the 'Tabular Data' panel. This table isn't editable and so the simulation applies the wrong temperatures at the wrong times. Is there a better way to enter the data to make it match, seeing as it isn't editable? See attached photos.

      Ansys Mechanical Overview       Imported Body Temperature Tables

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      See the help manual for a better expalnation on the imported body temp. settings (for instance Source Time instead of Worksheet, All can be used, etc.).

      (search in help for : imported body temperature)

      All the best


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