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How to create parabolic cone structure in charge lumerical.

    • S Sehgal

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Sumit,

      The simplest approach would have been to use custom object, however it is not supported in CHARGE. So, I believe it is not something you can even copy and paste from FDTD. If you have access to any external CAD based tool (like Solidworks), I will recommend you to create the geometry there and export it as an stl file. Then this could be imported into CHARGE. I will let you know if I find a simpler alternative.


    • S Sehgal

      Hi Amrita,

      Thank you very much for your response.

      Yes, you are absolutely right that using a custom object, we can create such structures in the FDTD suite. I tried to export the geometry as a GDSII file, but unfortunately, it did not work.

      Moreover, I used the Tinkercad CAD tool to create the parabolic cone and imported it into the CHARGE suite. However, I did not get satisfactory results because the generated structure pattern was asymmetrical, and the mesh size was extremely small. I will try creating the geometry with Solidworks, as you suggested.

      Thank you again for your help.


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