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How to couple Static Structural results to HFSS?

    • 487230996

      I want to study the effect of deformation of a structure under a certain load on shielding effectiveness, so I did a static simulation of the structure, but how can I import the deformed model into HFSS for shielding effectiveness test simulation?
      In the workbench, I found that I can only import the results of HFSS into static simulation, but not vice versa, which is different from my research idea.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee





      You can do this between Maxwell and Static systems – so perhaps also between HFSS (does not look that way when checking the hfss doc. ).

      To find out for sure, I would suggest to post this in the electronic forum for more help and for more feedback from users that use/conduct electronic simulations.


      As a workaround get the deformed shape out (say stl export), prepare and fix in SC/Discovery, export it as .sat file say, and import it into HFSS again.

      All the best





    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator
      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum. Your patience is much appreciated.
      If you are looking for deformation due to stress then please go through “Stress Feedback to HFSS using Workbench” section of “Ansys Workbench Integration Overview” chapter in the HFSS help document for detailed information.


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